In many cases, using the schedule with hundreds or thousands of activities visualize upcoming tasks is impractical. Therefore, the need arises to create a report that improves the communication of forthcoming activities.

The lookahead report serves as a valuable tool for simplifying and enhancing information management. Typically generated by the contractor, it aids in coordinating short-term work, ranging from two weeks to several months, depending on the project’s complexity and the desired level of detail. Here are some key benefits associated with lookahead reports:

  • Accessibility: Lookahead reports are designed to be straightforward and easily comprehensible, making them accessible to all project stakeholders.
  • Flexibility: These reports are quick to update, and you can readily adjust the level of detail in the activities as needed.
  • Milestone Clarity: They provide a clear view of the tasks that must be accomplished to meet upcoming project milestones.
  • Ease of Sharing: Lookahead reports are easy to share, facilitating collaboration among team members.
  • External Input: They allow input and comments from individuals outside the planning department, often from experts in various fields, regarding execution times and potential interferences.
  • Customization: Multiple files can be created based on the contractor’s or discipline’s specific needs.


These reports can take various formats and contain variable content. One common method involves using planning software to apply filters, activate relevant columns, and generate a Gantt chart that can be exported in PDF format.

Another option is PowerPoint, although less commonly used, it offers a simple way to organize text, images, and diverse information.

However, Microsoft Excel stands out as the most prevalent format for creating lookahead reports, owing to its flexibility and widespread usage within the engineering community.

It’s important to recognize that managing large-scale projects entails more than just listing activities, dates, and basic graphical elements. Ignoring factors like activity relationships, calendars, resource management, and baselines for comparison can lead to critical oversights in project planning and execution.



To achieve effective planning and attain favorable outcomes, it’s crucial to employ the right tools. Just as an electrician relies on specialized equipment rather than a multipurpose knife.

Basic information of the report

Look ahead reports should be simple, easy to understand, light and visual. They must contain:

  • Project information (name, location)
  • Date
  • List of activities
  • Duration
  • Responsible
  • Status
  • Notes
  • Graphic element that facilitates visualization

The look ahead and progress reports should be generated at least once a week and the general construction planning should be updated and reviewed daily for optimal control by the planning technician.

Es evidente que para planificar y obtener buenos resultados se deben usar las herramientas adecuadas, igual que un electricista, por ejemplo, emplea herramientas profesionales y no una navaja multiusos.

Información básica del reporte

Los reportes look ahead deben ser sencillos, fáciles de comprender, ligeros y visuales. Deben contener:

    • Información del proyecto (nombre, ubicación)

    • Fecha

    • Listado de actividades

    • Duración

    • Responsable

    • Status

    • Notas

    • Elemento gráfico que facilite la visualización

Es aconsejable realizar este tipo de informes por lo menos una vez a la semana y la planificación general actualizarla y revisarla diariamente para un control optimo por parte del técnico de planificación.