Earned Value Analysis

Earned Value Analysis
Earned value analysis (EVA) is a technique that allows measuring the progress of a project against what was planned and budgeted. This involves assessing the completed work (earned value) against both the planned work (planned value) and the actual incurred …

Measured Mile Analysis

Measured Mile Analysis
DescriptionOne of the most common methods for managing disruption claims is through the application of the “measured mile analysis.” This methodology, compares the productivity achieved in areas or periods affected by disruptive events, with the productivity achieved in similar activities …

Construction Claims

Construction Claims
Given the complexity of contemporary construction projects, delays in the completion date are common. This is attributed to a myriad of factors such as the acquisition of permits, availability of personnel, procurement of materials, deployment of machinery, execution of various …

Disruption analysis

Disruption analysis
The demonstration of disruptions incurred by the contractor necessitates the application of rigorous analytical methods and techniques. These methodologies should enable the evaluation and quantification of productivity losses. The analysis cannot be a mere comparison between the actual occurrences and …

Pacing and disruption

Pacing and disruption
PacingPacing, which involves intentionally slowing down the pace of work, occurs when a decision is made to deliberately delay the completion of an activity. This decision is typically prompted by a concurrent delay experienced in parallel with another independent activity.In …

Collapsed as Built

DescriptionCollapsed as Built, also known as “but for”, is a simulation-based technique employed within CPM software such as MS Project or Primavera P6. This approach allows the identification of the earliest possible completion date, assuming that delays from any of …

Impacted as Planned

DescriptionImpacted as Planned is a modeling technique based on creating a simulation by introducing activities on the baseline schedule with the correct relationships. These added activities represent the delay events that have taken place, or the impacts stemmed from the …

Time Impact Analysis

Time Impact Analysis
Description The Time Impact Analysis (TIA) method is a modeled technique, characterized by simulating delay effects on a schedule updated to a date preceding the delay event. This simulation is then reevaluated to determine the resulting impact on the critical …

Time Slice Windows Analysis

Time Slice Windows Analysis
Description The time slice windows analysis represents another approach using the segmentation by project windows. However, in contrast to the As-Planned vs. As-Built Windows Analysis, this method relies entirely upon the contemporaneous schedules provided by the contractor. The updates serve …

As Planned vs. As-Built Windows Analysis

As Planned vs. As-Built Windows Analysis
Description The As Planned vs. As-Built Windows Analysis method is a segmentation or window-based approach that offers some advantages over the Time Impact Analysis (TIA). This methodology is particularly useful when the quality of the baseline or updates is insufficient …

As-Planned vs As-Built

As-Planned vs As-Built
Description The As-Planned vs. As-Built method is a widely used observational technique in delay analysis. It involves comparing the original planned schedule (contractual baseline or approved baseline) with the actual as-built schedule to measure differences and identify delays. This method …

Factors for choosing Delay Analysis Method

Factors for choosing Delay Analysis Method
When selecting a delay analysis methodology, several crucial factors must be taken into consideration to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the analysis. The choice of one of the six methods mentioned earlier, along with their variants, depends on the …

Classification of Delay Analysis Methods (AAEC/SCL)

Classification of Delay Analysis Methods (AAEC/SCL)
The classification of delay analysis methods combines the taxonomic classification conducted by the AAEC with the six main methods of the SCL. It’s important to note that specific implementations can be applied for each method, giving rise to variations within …

Delay analysis methodology

Delay analysis methodology
The Society of Construction Law’s (SCL) Protocol and the International Recommended Practice 29R-03 Forensic Schedule Analysis from the Association for the Advancement of Cost Engineering (AACE), are the main official documents regarding delay analysis. Most of the information of this …

Causes of delay

Causes of delay
The most common construction project delays vary based on the country, project type, scale, and management of supervision and contractors. While each project is unique, it is possible to analyze the most frequent delays impacting project completion in a general …

Construction Delays

Construction Delays
In construction contracts, a delay refers to any event or situation that hinders the fulfillment of agreed-upon activity dates between two parties. In the context of modern construction projects, delays have become common due to the need for coordination among …

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